

The distribution box (cabinet) manufacturers teach you how to maintain the distribution box.

Shandong Qunsheng Electric Co., Ltd.   2023-08-29  click:


The distribution box shall be regularly dedusted to keep the distribution box clean. Periodically check whether the connectors in the distribution box are firm to ensure the reliability of the wiring. Check whether the action of the related switch is normal, and replace the abnormal switch timely. Check whether there is rainwater or sand and dust intrusion into the box, and eliminate these dangerous factors. 


  The distribution box shall be regularly dedusted to keep the distribution box clean. Periodically check whether the connectors in the distribution box are firm to ensure the reliability of the wiring. Check whether the action of the related switch is normal, and replace the abnormal switch timely. Check whether there is rainwater or sand and dust intrusion into the box, and eliminate these dangerous factors. 




魯公網(wǎng)安備 37078302000573號

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